Sunday, August 31, 2008

Birthday Party!

05/7/2008 -Danish and Dhia – Kota Damansara

Thank you Bozo and Lin for having us. The cakes were chantek and sodap!. Piccs of birthday girl and boy belum transfer la..diff camere...later ok.

Iman at our secrect bookshop buying birthday present.

Iman and Abah having fun at the party

having fun with Mummy

20/07/2008 -
Haifa - Klang

Thank you Ezz for having us. Kiss to Si Pinggang Ramping and hope she like the fairy wings and book. Nanti amek gambar dia ok.

Iman bermanjaan di pangkuan Kak Hannah and Un Man

Reramai with the kids...super fun!

Better piccs kita tunggu Zie la, mine were overexposed but these are all I got.

Somewhere last week Eline texted me about you-know-which posting. Like I said before, I was mad at myself. Sometimes, we do need to check on what we do to avoid anything "over", dont we? How could i ever be mad at you guys, korang is all I got. We shared so much throughout our teenage days till motherhood and I hope we can share more in future, read: hari2 tua!. From my deepest heart, SORRY if i ever hurt you or even made u think that I was hurt (drama queen ke apa aku ni?) You guys far more important than this stupid blog. Seriously!


azura ahmad samsudin said...

huuhuuu bestnya tengok hangpa semua berkumpul..

dd, posting you-know-which tu abaikan ajerlah..

selamat berpuasa to all. la nie blog rise, fall and rise again jadi medium to get in touch with you guy???? back to routine.. sekolah dah start...

Ayu Mohamad said...

aku wpun tadak dalam gambaq hahaha tapi aku tetap teruja jugak kekekeke
and aku pon dapat rasakan la pasal posting ko tuh hahahaha aku tahu yang ko tak maksud kannya and aku tau mana mungkin DD berpikiran sebegitu :)
Selamat berposa DD heheh

jom join projek Bandung

PerantauSepi1306 said...

DD, syonots nye anak ko gi besday yek... dan mamanye juga mesti hepi sbb dpt jengjalan sambil mini re-union..

posting??? hehehehe biasaklah masa weng2 misti mau hangensss je kan...skali skala...

Tukang Campak said...

Dd, meriahnya besday party yg 1st tuh...siap ngan inflatable bagai...

yg umah ezz tu, kamera aku pun x clear la wei. Ada la sekpg kot yg ok, nanti aku godek balik. Tgh mengarang ayat lagi ni...

DeLinn said...

lainnyaaa eline pakai tudung n spek gitu. tah kenapa aku nampak elin lain hehehehe

Anonymous said...

my camera ada few photos jek... nape yek? sakan sembang sampai lupa bergambar ke? gambar zila pun takde... frustnya...

Norae said...


selamat berpuasa..
syioknya dapat jumpa leine, haifa & ezzah.. kim salam kat depe yeaa..

Norae said...


selamat berpuasa..
syioknya dapat jumpa leine, haifa & ezzah.. kim salam kat depe yeaa..