Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Main masak-masak - Telur Pindang

Ive been posting few tested recipes before but none as easy complicated as this one as I remember all the ingredients by heart!. And if any of you readers find that this recipe is a flop, it is me who can’t put it right. And be warned as this is how we DO it all this time. Other family might have the diff way of doing it. Whatever it is, lets give it a try.

buat telur pindang adalah xtvt keluarga. read:lepak2 ngan pakcik2 n makcik2! cool eh!



  1. Telur ayam


  1. Kulit bawang merah dan putih
  2. Daun serai
  3. Daun manggis
  4. Daun senduduk


  1. Ketumbar
  2. Jintan
  3. Garam
  1. Kicap
  2. Cuka

the eggs menghitamkan diri sendiri


  1. Step 1
    • Get a periuk depending on your eggs. At the bottom of the pot, lapiskan A.
    • Then taburkan C
    • Then susunkan A satu lapis sahaja.
  2. Repeat step 1 sehingga telur habis
  3. Fill in the pot with water
  4. Splash D
  5. Simmer with slow fire up to 8 hours

Many ask me berapa banyak nak guna all the rempah? Well, again, it depends on banyak mana your eggs are. Its all about susun-susun and tabur-tabur.

dah masak..yeay!

yang reject masuk bakul, yang ok susun elok-elok.

u might notice that the color of those telur pindangs are not that dark. it was due to the absent of daun manggis.

So, ada

*click picture to enlarge


Tukang Campak said...

hebat...ini resepi yang almost impossible to challenge la beb. Aku tada brani punya...lagipun tipah x makan telur pindang hehe

Sure sronot time operasi me'mindang' tu, lepak2 minum kopi sembang2 kan ?? besh besh

PerantauSepi1306 said...

muehehehehehe menariks tul.. aku dah lama teringin nak buat tapi ala2 igt rebus ngan teh herba jer.. ;p

perhhhsss sedap siut lugi la ko kalo tak try zie...

**terigt jaman syam kawen kat muor.. kenduri dia ada beriani dam ngan telur pindang.. muahahahaha meleh air liur tu***

PerantauSepi1306 said...

oh ye cik DD.. lupe laks aku nak jwb sokaln ko tuh.. my cam ultrazoom.. semi SLR.. masa tu Nikon D60 tak kuo lagilah beb so Olympus SPUZ500 is what I'm using : ) neway, ur pics are nice too...