Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Novella ke Melb

Assalam people, how’s 2011 treating you so far? Work wise, mine was chaotic! Been transferred to diff unit and now trying my best to deliver everything I’ve promised before. KPI ke laut hahahah. Life’s been great. I determine to teach Iman mengaji or at least up to Iqra’ 3. The rest you will have to come back here later to have a peek on what’s been planned for this year.

Anyway, this novella is meant as a memento to moi. You need time and patience to read or it will bore you to stiff. You’ve been warned?

Trip to Melbourne was actually 2 times postponed due to reasons I simply don’t want to know. Well, if you’re ikan bilis and you’re only one of the many users to the project, and your name been slashed from other trip because of this trip, and it was postponed 2 times, will you be bothered? I kept telling myself to take it easy and only to tell friends when the flight ticket is ready. Ok la ada terberitahu org tu dan Smid awal then siap inform postpone. Padan muka malu?.

On Dec 29, around 1.00am after like tidurkan Iman (we watched MegaMind earlier) and packing for the boys (they will be staying @2nd fav lair -Tmn Kok Lian), I dgn la la la la nya baru nak packing, ambil my ever trusted oversized handbag to check for my cc, ticket, visa, and passport. Tengok2 passport Iman dalam casing, where’s mine?. Geledah sana… geledah sini.. non ado. Naik bilik.. carik lagi… non ado.. sedang menyelongkar kesemua koleksi handbag (bilangannya hanya sebelah tangan sahaja) Chenta terjaga.

carik apa?
I think I lost my passport.
Hah? Are you sure? When was the last time you see it?
Last err.. few weeks when Mike mintak copy utk buat visa. Saya photostat kat office
Awak suruh admin ke buat sendiri? Lepas photostat letak mana?
Buat sendiri, lepas tu letak balik dlm casing and masuk handbag

Dia bangun dan mula menyelongkar itu ini. We both betrothed the same mission to find the PASSPORT started rummage the house. Around 1.50am he said

Cuba ingat betul-betul kat mana awak letak.
Last memang kat office, oh no, Photostat tu before ke after 5S? *blank*
Awak bawak balik kampong tak masa raya haji.
Bawak, sebab memang dalam handbag, tapi tak ada keluarkan pun.
Mana la tau….

I grabbed my handphone and dialed 07429XXXX. Praying no one will terkejut menerima panggilan at this hour. My sis picked the call and directly asks kenapa. I explained, and she promised to call back a.s.a.p after looking at my room. Then I realized, even if she found it, how and who the fish can deliver it to me? But at least I know…. How or who can wait.

Kalau nak carik kat office, kena gerak sekarang.. dah dekat pukul 2 ni.
Errr… jom la.(totally blank)

So we did! Angkat Iman masuk keta and zoommmmmm ke Jln Duta. Can you imagine it? on the way, my sis called

Tak ada la dik, dah carik dalam bilik, kat tempat tepon…
Tak pe la… kitorang nak carik kat opis pulak.. kot-kot tertinggal kat sana
Nanti akak cari lagi….
Ok.. nengkiu… apa2 nanti call la…

I remember vividly joting down 2.20am in the guard’s log book upon amek kunci opis. Iman was left in the car which parked close to the entrance dgn pesanan tolong tengokkan anak saya dalam kereta kepada polis bantuan bertugas. We both rushed to 13th floor and to my cubicle. My desk was pretty much clean selepas 5S: nothing on it. Chenta going for the drawers and me for the organizer and personal files. ---cari----cari---cari--- Hampa. At this point, my heart started to felt heavy and my fingers started to tremble. I kid you not, it was like my mind going blank, I can’t say a word, and I think I can hear my watch clicking like trying to tell me, come on lady you have only few hours left. In case you don’t know, my flight to Melb will be at 9.00am in the morning, so I must be @KLIA by 7.00am and MUST leave home around 5.30 -5.45am. And now it is already 2.45!. Only 3 hours left!

Ntah-ntah dalam slingbag coach awak tak. (sorry la kena mention coach itu, not to brag, ala.. coach kecik pon)
Tapi saya dah clear everything inside it sebab nak hantar cuci.
Mana la tau… awak dah check ke tadi
Errrr (trying hard to remember where did I put it).. belum
So, ni confirm tak tertinggal kat opis la… sebab kalau kita balik ni, office kira gone sebab memang tak kan sempat kalau nak patah balik..
Errrr…..(I wanted to scream No!! but endup took a really deep breath and closed my eyes, tried awfully hard to remember what I did after sending the photocopy of my passport, yes, I PUT IT BACK in my bag) Yang, kita carik kat rumah pulak la, kot-kot dalam slingbag tu. (padahal dalam hati tahu dalam slingbag itu memang dah dikosongkan)

We went back home. Me not saying anything in the car but despite that, Chenta repeatedly ask me to calm down and try to remember. Dia tidak marah, tidak merungut, tidak mencemuh atau menambah kusut. His collected self even frightened me more. Now my body started to tremble.

Reached home around 3.15am and I ran straight to find my slingbag. Hampa, nothing in it. I delved in all the other bags again. Hampa juga. Chenta ask me to go and search upstairs while he will look thoroughly downstairs. He even checked in Iman’s toys boxes and flip through every mags and books on shelve. I amek wuduk and solat, DERDOA.

Sambung cari, cari, cari and around 3.40am I heard him walked upstairs, went to his study room and switched on the TV. At this moment I know that he didn’t find it. He then came to our room eating biscuits. ---Silent----. I went downstairs and kiss Iman yg nyenyak atas sofa. Rumah macam baru kena rompak. I checked Iman’s school beg manalah tau kan. Hampa. I checked kat dapur , drawers and cabinet. Hampa juga. Punggah semua luggage, hampa jua.

I sat facing Iman’s face and just be sad. The ‘not going’ not worry me so much, I scared of what are the consequences of it. Am I gonna have to pay back all the expenses? The flight tickets, room fare, courses charge, Iya la, at this hour mana sempat cari orang utk ganti kan. Tindakan tatatertib? You know how people can sometimes be mean just to show their power or simply as a reminder to other staff. I felt stupid. Stupid enough not to check everything important at least a week before. I looked at my watch and felt totally lost. I snuggled beside Iman and hugged him tight. I bukan pengalah tapi it seemed like nowhere else to cari, semua dah diselongkar berkali-kali.

4.01am, i heard Chenta approaching and when I looked, saw him holding high something, something red.

Yang, you are going to Melbourne!

I hugged him and I cried. I cried awfully hard like all the feelings before instantly burst at once.

Dah.. sambung packing. Jangan tidur, kang tak terjaga nanti miss flight pulak. Tak payah kemas… awak dah penat tu.

It was the most comforting words I’ve ever heard from him considering what we’ve been through all night. I continually sobbed like a child. I packed my things without thinking, (ya rhyme tapi tak kelakar kan). Kemas jugak rumah dan bilik sikit-sikit, did the laundry and ironkan baju kerja Chenta. Jenguk dia tengah buat assignment and he offered me to say goodbye to family in FB. I end up updating my status about jantung nak pecah something….

Later at the airport, I didn’t feel hungry or sleepy; I sit and think hard. Thinking about Chenta. My phone rang, it was from my sis.

Mcm mana jumpa tak?
Jumpa, kat rumah…
Alhamdulillah…. Bapak pun risau malam tadi, tak boleh tidur dia… siap buat sembahyang hajat.

I didn’t know that she told my father. Dah lewat malam kan… and I just plain speechless to hear what they did for me. You know how far your family will try to help you in whatever and whenever. Terima kasih di atas doa itu Bapak. I board the plane feeling like a new person, and hope it will last.

Tuan/Puan/Cik Kak, apakah pengajaran yang anda perolehi dari cerita ini?.


Norae said...


gile stress aku baca cita ko.. mau sakit jantung.. last minute, nak g.. tak jumpa passport... seriussss berdebar.
Aku pernah hilang passport sekali.. seksa betul nak dapatkan yg baru.
Alhamdulillah.. rezeki ko.. jumpa akhirnya... kat mana ko letakkk

Kopi Suam said...

hehhh pengajarannya aku menangis baca entry ni...pasal family see mcm mana mereka sanggup buat apa sahaja demi kebaikan kita...lagi-lagi mak ayah/bapak kita...tgh malam pun on jugak..

dua patut bagi hadiah best2 pada en nuar yang sgt memahami..

ketiga jgn buat kerja tak pasal esok nak fly malam ni baru nak check passport...

keempat - rezeki kalau ALLAH kata itu rezeki kamu last minute pun tetap akan jadi milik kamu...jadi bersyukurlah...ALHAMDULILLAH :)

ada hadiha tak dari melbourne **laaarrrrrikkkkkkkkkk**

ikan said...

hhehe, i tot tak de org nak baca entry jiwa lara panjang lebar ni:)
suka.. suka..

norae : kau sakit jantung membaca.. hehe aku rasa jantung aku pecah dah waktu tu.. hehehe. Chenta jumpa dlm tupperware besar yg kitorang buat simpan khazanah dlm closet. Masaelahnya, tupperware tu havent been touched since raya puasa. perhaps kitorang ni dah tua and mmg pelupa habis!:(

Kopi Suam : Ya apapun family is always no1. Termenung aku dlm flight ingat kat mak bapak kt kampung.. En Chenta dpt macam2..hehe infact more than mine. Ya syukur sesangat....
hadiah dr melbourne sudah habisss la..hehe, next time insyaAllah...

Tukang Campak said...

mek, ko memang suka mendebarkan diri sendiri,tp aku nangis masa baca part chenta tunjuk passport tu haha

Moral:Silalah cintai keluarga dan jangan beli tupperware lagi dah !! :P

ikan said...

hahaha, aku pun pelik, sepanjang pendebaran itew aku tak nangis langsung!, jumpa je passport, berjuraian ayaq mata!!

jgn beli lagi tupperware adalah pesanan tak boleh belah! hahahahahha.

Mrs.NZ said...

Adoii..kak dd,ni kan cerita pasal melbourne masa kita hang out kt chilis tu?Memang pelik leh ado dlm tupperware.sungguh tak sesuai nak taruk passport.Boleh bayangkan kekalutan di malam itu.. :o

p/s sorry i suka baca blog u,so i tag u utk ambil award.hope u dun mind..

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you will read my comment, tapi... the most touching part, bila you wrote your dad solat hajat... I remember how my parents prayed very hard, solat hajat everynights, doa tak putus so that I could complete my studies with flying colours, they didn't have the ability to help me to complete the findings for thesis, they didn't have money to pay somebody to help me to complete my research, nor the power to ensure my examiners let me passed my viva... but all that they have is Allah and what they can do, from far away is to offer doa sincerely... Many thanks for this entry... this remind me of my duties towards them, walaupun kita dah besar panjang, dah jadi isteri dan ibu org, but to them, we are still their daughters, that all they want is the happiness and success life here and in the hereafter... THanks... this is my first time reading your blog.

ikan said...

Wow to have someone not from my circle of friends reading my blog is an honour! Glad it relates to you too. I'm anak bungsu and will always be adik to them no matter who and what I'm now. Guess all parents share the same perasaan. And yours, dgn doa dari jauh sebegitu sememangnya lekat dlm hati. Let's do good to our parents. Nak call my mom la:) and if u do, send my regard to them ok.