Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Topek Is Back

Lucky lad got to balik kampong during semester break mcm dari KL nak balik Johor jek!. He landed KLIA on xmas day with huge luggage tagged HEAVY. He is indeed our Santa!!!

Iman got Nike Arsenal jersey and Adidas Euro 2008 ball (kena share ngan Abg Apik n Adib)

Abah's t-shirt

M&S Icing Set and Sunglasses

Handbag & clutch

ini baru untuk kami, no wonder it tagged heavy! I was smiling ear to ear the whole xmas day!. yeayyy alaalllalalalalalalallalalalalalla!

Eh, Topek nampak kurus sikit la... (ayat bodek)

Office Dinner with KP

Date : 3 Dec 2007
Vanue : Restaurant Puteri, Damansara

Another dinner you may ask? This one was our exclusive department dinner with KP. On Monday night? At Restaurant Puteri? I told you it was exclusive! Hehehe the date is the only date that our KP is available. Despite the exclusiveness and the place was where Erra got nikah, I failed to persuade Chenta to go.

On that Monday morning, I went to work wearing my boring cotton baju kurung, looking sloppy and tired as always. People called it Monday blues but for me it was just plain lazy because I hate going to work! Not particularly on Monday. Every other day! Cit!

Anyway, back to the story, to make my day worst I totally forgot about the dinner until I heard my colleague whom is one of the AJK talking on the phone and I heard words done,
amek gambar, KP datang awal, done, done.

Sh*T! aku lupa bawak baju! Quick thinking….balik? No, jauh ma….pinjam? nak pinjam sapa? Pakai je baju ni….ha? seriously? Alamakkkk…..camna ni..

Ala Dd, pi je beli baju baru ptg ni.

Was I talking in my mind or said it out loud? Tetiba jek mamat tu nyampuk but I like the idea.
Sepantas kilat I contact Pn Zie kekonon ajak lunch kat Sogo (ye la since I have RM100 Sogo voucher). No way nak keluarkan duti sendiri kan… things get better when Pn Zie belanja lunch kat Secret Recipe oh lallalalalallalalalalalallalalalalalalala TQ Pn Zie!. I spent the whole petang trying discounted baju. Jgn la kata akak mengulor sbb those yg attend the dinner dpt pelepasan masa start kul 3ptg lagi!. Exclusive kan….hehehehehe.

reason why i tak sanggup nak pakai baju cotton tu! sbb nak kena salam ngan KP!

and i got lucky! dpt je lucky draw ni akak pon angkat kaki. Raslan a.k.a Atai mcm tak ikhlas jek nak serahkan pressie tu kat akak. hahahahahhaha, Eh showmanship Lan lagi dasyat dari penyanyi jemputan kat belakang tu katanya!

i know..i know color mandom kan. well u know me!.

Friday, December 21, 2007

PSKK and Meeting Good Old Friends 12-15 Dec 2007

Haduiiihhhh….ha, panjang mengeluh kenapa? Hehehe… di ketidak sihatan dan ke bz an tahap cipun ini nak jugak update sikit apa yg berlaku selama kelibat daku tak kelihatan di blogsphere ini.

2 minggu tak masuk opis! Enough said. macam bz sangat kan. Busy ngalahkan bos, padahal naik pangkat pon idok! Congrats to our friends who have been promoted. Those yang tak mcm akak ni, emm apakah visi dan misi kita? Hahahahahhaha seriously hah hah hah!

Anywaym hujung2 tahun ini menghabiskan saki baki cuti (18 hari kira saki baki ker?heheeh bukan boleh jual mcm bnm pon kan..). Senggarang n JB clan menyerang Labuan dan KK but I’ll blog bout it later as the picas still in the flash card!.

And for now will write bout kejadian after Labuan, PSKK!. Pesta sukan kementerian ke$. Tidaklah daku menatlitkan diri tahun ini seperti Pn Zie, hanya jadi penyeri untuk mengelak diri dari kena pi office sahaja hahahahha. Ye la if you are to choose between lepaking at Endah Parade and masuk opis, haruslah akak pilih itu Endah Parade kan!. Dapat allowance lagik! Apala sangat uruskan bowling ni. Done that before. Not that I know that aduhai punya la busy!!!!. Menci…menci…menci sangat!!!

Kerisauan/kepenatan akak only hilang mcm dlm lagu Diddy tu when the diskets containing the overall scores and statistics and all are given to each team managers. And akak wait…wait…..and sehingga medal giving ceremony ended nobody came to complaint! Yeayyyyy!!!!

Oh, Pn Zie came (saja nak usha allice I kan..hehhe) managed to chat kejap and she saja left the guardian plastic bag to show me all those scholl products she bought earlier heheheheh. Eh, janji nak pi urut2 kaki tapi u melencong pi tmpt lain noo.....

And Dena was playing for MoF!! Ya, Adena (dulu kat mrsm with other 8 aweks we formed a group called 10isEnough..hehhe codek..codek....). Punya la busy, the 3rd day baru dpt borak over the lunch kat KFC. with 3 boys she still nampak cam anak dara gitu! super slim!. On the last day while busy running here and there I noticed that Dena was gone. Alamak..tak dapek nak amek gambo ngan minah ni. Tup2 dah petang tu she came back with her hubby and son and sudah berlawaan!! Tak aci dah tukar baju!

Dena me and her son. I hate my uniform which makes me kembang in this photo, and I hate Dena's 3" high heels or is it 5" minah?

Dena's little hero, super camera friendly Abang Nabil. The last two is a twin boy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Choc Chip Rangup

Bahan A :
125 g butter
125 g majerin
1 sudu besar shortening
160 g gula halus
1 biji kuning telur
1 s/k esen vanilla

Bahan B [gaul rata]
230 g tepung gandum]
20 g serbuk koko ] ayakkan
100 g coklat cips
50 g white coklat cips [boleh gantikan dgn coklat rice]
50 g badam cincang [roasted]
50 g nestum

Cara :
1. Gaulkan butter, majerin, shortening dan gula sehingga sebati.
2. Masukkan kuning telur dan esen vanila. Kacau rata.
3. Masukkan bahan B perlahan dan kacaukan dengan senduk kayu.
4. Sudukan adunan kecil2 [besar guli] dalam loyang.
5. Bakar dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan suhu 180'C selama 25 minit atau sehingga masak.
6. Sejukkan dan simpan dalam balang kedap udara.


* I belasah guna butter jek, tak de marjerin. ganti nestum dengan oat. crunchyyy.....

The Secret Dreamworld of Shopaholic

My expectation weren't too high, since I had previously read other shopaholic series, which I think just OK. Well, I wanted to bring some light reading material to KK and thought this is just perfect. All in all, no emotional depth, it made me smile, it was fun!

Becky, she just can't stop spending and finds bizarre ways to ignore her over growing debts. I like how she describes shopping mall as her natural habitat. Hehehe..kalau banyak duit daku pon nak juga jadikan habitat!.
And as the book says:
- When the going gets tough – the tough go shopping… I likeeee.

Ever felt guilty spending? Read this book!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Computer Geek In The Making

Anak Abah
bila Abah dia bangun, cepat2 dia take over!.
tak pakai baju, landing atas bantal pun sama!.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Office Annual Dinner.

Nov 2, 2007

Was not in a mood for the dinner actually. Thinking of nothing special to wear because my another baju raya still with the tailor!!, and was hoping to follow Chenta to Ampang for futsal with Iman as he is showing so much interest to ‘ball’ lately. But then moi was listed as one of the guest. The categories for guests are 1.Those who will be retired in 2007, 2. Those who have served for 25 years, 3. Those who were cemerlang in 2006
no..i was not cemerlang, never believed in that as from what i see they give the anugerah ikut turn. so, tunggu sahaja turn anda!

I told Chenta to pick me up early as I don’t want to stay for the boring food and in-house performances as always. As the appetizer was served, and I was about to dial Chenta’s number, I heard the emcee said Awie. Hahaha ingat lawak la tu. I thought he was jokingly called our in-house singer as Awie. What do you aspect, we’re a gov agency. Entertainers like Kak CT, or Kak Esah mungkin la. But Awie? The Rockstar? Performing at our dinner? I just can’t believe my eyes!. Wah…our KP must be peminat zombie kampong pisang!. Ye la after all dia yg kena bagi last nod kan...

His performance was ok.. ye la lagu rock kat dinner…cam pizza with belacan topping!. Akak bukannya peminat Awie pon, tp excited + rasa kelakar sebab out of many singers depa boleh jemput Awie. ye la knowing kes mahkamah dia yg gaduh la...rebut anak...kutuk2 bekas isteri and all....

mcm encemmm padahal byk uban tu!!hahahaha belakang tu jejaka2 sporting temankan akak!

Masa amek gambo ni Awie cakap 'penat i buat lawak, makcik2 kat depan tu buat deeekkk jek' sapa ntah duduk depan?... jgn cakap...kang kena potong gaji!!! lariiiiii....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Kejadian Sesat Barat Tahap Awan Lapis ke 9

Kejadian berlaku pada hari berbahagia Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007.
(TL = traffic light)

Daku ada JCL course di Centerpoint Damansara. Since kelas selalunya habis dlm 4:30ptg Chenta suggested that I pick Epen (anak buah yg duk ngan kitorang for 3 weeks sementara tunggu rumah sewa baru) kat Subang. Kesian mamat ni duk naik komuter hari-hari.

So, sharp at 4:30 daku cabut ke Subang. Dari centerpoint kat TL Sony I terlajak ke depan, not that I know tak de jln turun ke NKVE!, patah balik n u-turn kat Kg Ara!, chit…membazir 15minit!. Dgn lajunya akak drive masuk tol then exit Subang. Ingat..jgn masuk airport…jgn masuk airport…..ok selamat…terus….Subang Jaya. Oppss simpang mana yek masuk terus ke Summit tu? 1st try – failed! Masuk taman aper ntah. U-turn balik. 2nd try – mcm tak betul je simpang ni…terus la….tu dia terus ada sign board tulis USJ. Mak ai….jauh giler jln ni…tegak….tegak lagi….ntah tau2 dah USJ17 ke 18 ntah…sampai satu TL ni akak tanya driver lori (pakai kopiah ada janggut ciput..baik la tu kan.) oh.. Summit ke kiri then terus dik. Ok kekiri la akak…..tu dia jauh gakkk….
Akhirnya nampak la itu Summit, I was coming from belakang!. Janji Epen tunggu depan Mydin, tak de pon. Called him tak kuar bengkel lagi. Masuk la akak ke bengkel. Done.
Nak keluar Summit tu mak aiii jam gilerrr… dekat ½ jam tak lepas Summit lagi!.

Belum…ni belum sesat tahap barat lagi….

Keluar dari Summit ingat nak masuk balik nkve, tub2 simpang nak kuar federal tu akak termasuk pulak ke Glenmarie!. Niat dihati nak u-turn, tapi jln hala ke KL tu jam gilerr. Maka terus la akak…tub2 nampak stadium Shah Alam. Dlm hati ok la, masuk highway balik nanti. Terus…terus…terus….oppsss terlajak simpang! Terus masuk Guthrie Highway!. Chittttt…..relaks lagi masa ni. Tanya adik tol tu nak ke KL camna. Terus je Kak, nanti ada signboard exit Sg. Buloh. Ok la….dlm hati nanti aku terus je, exit Jln Duta.

Drive… exit Sg Buloh. Ni exit apa ni? Masuk jln lama Sg Buloh!!!!!!!!. Camna la aku tak perasan tadi???? Nak patah balik jalan jam! Keta dah tak gerak belah sana. Epen dah gelak jek…..nak pergi mana ni Mak Ida?. Shut Up!!! maka lalu lah kami di kedai2 jual bunga2an itu.

Nasib baik akak pernah lalu sini, maka akak exit ke Kota Damansara. Nasib baik tak jam. Terus lagi sampai ke Ikano. Keluar Ikano masuk Pechala Link. Terus….exit Jln Duta! Jam pulak!!!. Naik ataih flyover terus turun Segambut. Jam lagi! Masuk Jln Ipoh, cilok Sentul, amek Iman. Kuar Jln Pahang, u-turn TL tasik, bulatan pahang, jln Tun Razak then amek Chenta kat City Square.

Amacam? Hebat tak?
Chenta tau kami termasuk Glenmarie, yang dia tak tau kami sesat ke Sg Buloh itu! Pakat dgn Epen, kita jgn cerita bab sesat2 tu, kita cerita Jln Duta jam gilerrrr jek!. Chenta puasa hari tu, kesian la dia tunggu kitorang nak p berbuka puasa. Sib baik dia OK, siap ajak kami pi makan kat Al-Rawshar belakang Empire tower tu. Order lamb mahdud sekilo + chicken kebab. Langsai…..sumer penat + lapar kan……….

Perjalanan kemudian diteruskan ke K.A.J.A.N.G....aduihhh…patah pinggang akak!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mari Beraya ke Nilai

enjoy collage dulu yek as the pics will be uploaded in flckr later.
Terima kasih kepada Puan Rumah Zila (Tuan Rumah tiada dirumah) untuk mee kari yang sedap itu. Sedap sangat sampai lupa nak snap gambarnya utk prove kepada Puan2 lain yang tidak dapat datang terutamanya Pn Eline (pesaing hang ni! hhehehehe)... To Pn Zie, kisah sesat barat tu dah dilupakan lepas sesi layan choc n strawbery cream ice blended kat Pavilion. Anyway, slama daku drive memang tak penah daku nengok sign kat kotak putih tu...hahahahah. Mungkin sebab daku rabun kot...lagi senang nengok yang biru, big n clear.
Kami suka la taman hang Zila...amannnnn je gitu! kedai kain pon dokat..hehehehe. Balik dr nilai kami shoot ke Pavilion...cari barang sikit.
gabah showing his fingers upon answering mummy's ngada2 question:
"jalan ok ke yang?heheh "

iman trying to cheer up his abah..hehehehe
Iman solat kat changing room parkson!
Ya, changing room di parkson sungguh luas..anak beranak masuk!. Korang dah try The Loaf yang digembar gemburkan oleh exPM? tak de la sodap mana... and J.Co tu rasa sebijon cam Big Apple. Yo! Shushi maheiiiii gilos! tp seafood ramennya sodap walaupun seciput!. what do i like about this new place? i like kedai2 la...baju anak2...memacam....baju mak? ada..ada...cuma ongkosnya yg tak ada...hhehehehe. oh, also the eatery yg pelbagai itu. makan..makan......
jom lepak sana!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rambling malas kerja.

Currently, some items in my wish list are actually things I really2 need urgently.

  1. A pair of comfortable sandal. My super soft flat are in a dire state that started to give me foot ache!. My maternity sandal putus already and my kaki dah jadi mengada2 sekarang ini kerana kesemua vinci/monaco/seed sandals seems not comfortable at all.
  2. A pair of nice cutting jeans that fit me perfectly. My jeans are all 2 0r 3 size bigger that my current size. I wore belt but that doesn’t seems to solve the gelebeh, and imagine low cut waist jeans, pakai belt naik ke pinggang? Buruk giler!!.
  3. Spec Itam. Yes, I lost mine kat Lumut remember?. I’ve been driving with mata terkedip2 disiang hari yang panas. How I survived this long pon tak tau la…tapi kepedihan mata ku sudah tak tertanggung rasanya.

Kureng sikit urgentlynya tp nak jugak
A watch. Currently, I don’t have any – end of story. Ya, tabiat melihat jam kat hp dirasakan dah tak cool!. Hehehehe. And I was deadly jealous kat my colleague yang pakai DKNY watch, simple but awesomely cute with those big numbers.

End of this month ada acara those things dirasakan amatlah perlu. Heheheh ye la tak kan akak nak membowling dgn jeans gelebeh2 gitu kan….dah tu kang nak jadik gadis sorak kat padang tak kan nak halang silau dgn tangan/paper?..iskhh…isk….nak kesana kemari pakai selipar toiletkah?.

Speaking of sukan…sepanjang minggu ini dan minggu depan kami dapat time off ½ day utk training, cool eh…hehehe…since tmpt training acara akak bukak pukul 10pagi, dapatlah akak relaks2 sikit dipagi hari, hantar iman lambat2…main2 dgn dia dulu. Then abis training dlm 12.30 (sponsored 5 frames sahaja yek). Ada la can jalan2 cuci mata dulu…heheheh. and a good Mummy I’am, bukannya beli brg kat atas tu…I ended up beli sluar Iman!!!!, Ya ibu2 yang lain, pumpkin patch tgh sale di 1U!.
…and today singgah ikano…buat kesekian kalinya croc mary jane/alice saiz 6 tak dak stock!!!! Menciiiiiiiiii…kat na nak carik?

sangat cantik kan....berapakah harganya di US?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Masih Rayakah?

Ya, dek kesibukan, entry raya ini tertangguh kesekian lamanya. Raya kali ini puas berhari raya. Dapat ziarah banyak rumah Makcik dan Pakcik yang tahun lepas tak berkesempatan nak singgah. Dapat juga beraya ke JB, ke semua rumah adik beradik Mummy.

Inilah kami dipagi Raya 2007
(posing ala tahun lepas)

Semoga masih belum terlambat kami memohon maaf, zahir dan batin. Niat dihati nak beraya kerumah kawan2 pula (tahun ni rasa seronok nak beraya sana sini)...ada yg dah kami sampai....kajang..nilai...yang kl belum lagi..klang pob belum...LA alamak..beraya kat FP sahajalah...heheheh...raya dah nak habis ni...hehehehhe.. Eh korang bila nak jenguk kami di land far far away ni?

gambar-gambar yang banyak itu akan diupload di flkr nanti.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Salam Lebaran 2007

Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari kami sekeluarga.

pic taken last raya, Iman soooooo bam bam and cheeky! and oh, Abah so kuruih....

kami akan berangkat ke Senggarang esok selepas sahur..perhaps U.Zie boleh tolong kejutkan hehehehe. Yet to blog on the making of kuih raya, iman's progress, the quest of finding iman's songkok and all. Fotopages just play hard on me, not be able to upload pics! tried flickr and do click

selamat bergumbira dihari raya, ambil gambar banyak2!!! kpd yg jauh diperantauan, jgn sedih2...kami tolong makan kan ketupat rendang semua...hehehehehe.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sending Topek To London

Kejadian sebenarnya adalah pada hari yang sama kami balik dari KK 7 Sept 2007. Terus ke KLIA dan melepak with others. Iman sungguh gumbira berlarian seperti airport itu playground! tak larat betul mengejar.
with his cousins - Abg Apiq and Abg Adib
refused to walk! duduk macam tu, macam dah besar sangat kan...
while these two had their ice cream Iman pi mandi! ye la kang sibuk dia "nak ikit"!
uih ada heater dlm toilet...never knew! dgn sakan Iman mandi!
fresh prince of... see the hair...pakai jari pon boleh!! hannah nak?

teruja dgn toys McD

tired and sleepy

giving last hi5 to Topek

us all the family.

them all 1st batch of lim kok wing london

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Avillion PD

9-10 Okt 2007

bond man baru kuar dr air kat belakang tu!

Almost forgot about this short trip. Continuation from KK, after a day break for laundry and all we then headed to PD. Booked this resort during matta fair early this year.

We love:

Very nice and very clean resort! Love the gardens especially! And the pool very redup despite the scorching hot day!

We were surprised to see about 4-5 mans cleaning the beach as early as 7am, scooping all the dead branches, rubbish, oil residue (from you-don’t-want-to-know-where). No wonder the beach is all clean padahal tau je la pantai lain kan. Wow..that was hard work I tell you!

PD kah ini?

The pet farm – the farm surprisingly very clean! The ayam katiks and rabbits pon bersih you just didn’t hesitate to let your kid play with them. staff very friendly and good with kids. Akak pon masuk…macam tak penah main ngan ayam kat kampong kan. Iman suka!

The jungle tracking – keliling resort sahaja but good enough…siap ada huge sangkar burung ngan merak and all. Nice to have early morning walk around the resort.

Things we were not very happy about:

  • Breakfast – by the pool, but the food biasa-biasa aja!. Breads selection hampeh! Malay kuih sgt sedikit, can’t even make a proper poach egg!.
  • Parking – have to park the other side of the road! Very far!

overall - sweet escape!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Tetiba teringat kat Zuki. I always think of Zuki as my childhood friend but the truth is he is not. He was my classmate during 2 glorious years of matriculation sampai habis degree. Despite our differences, I adore him. He was not into sport at all, not into adventures the way I did, not lepaking or merambu sana sini, not selekeh, not kepoh, not menyakat and what not. But what makes us click?

I can still vividly remember the first time we met. class of 1.11, 1993. He was small compared to the other boys, even smaller than Addie and Mud. Modestly dressed, unlike Bad yang segak bergaya dengan jam Tag nya!. But the main reason you can’t hardly unnoticed him was his very very thick glasses! Macam b*nt*t botol! I’ve never seen such a thick and heavy (I think it was heavy) glasses!. His eyes seemed so small and sepet behind those glasses. Sure nerd mamat ni was my first impression.

Me and my mulut jahat: Kalau kau tak pakai spec tu cam mana?

Zuki : Tak nampak, nampak bayang saja.

Me : Waaa that bad huh?

*sambil dlm hati rasa nak pinjam and test camna rasanya pakai spec cam tu*

But I think those glasses made him special, made me want to know him more. Throughout our friendship, I like him for not being kedekut ilmu, for being patience towards my perangai, for being frank in giving advices, very polite (unlike budak2 lelaki lain), and the best part is he is VERY GOOD in programming!. Selain awal2 dah booked him as my group mate in whatever assignment, I usually tried to seat somewhere near or at least betul2 belakang him at the lab so that I can peak his monitor, copying his coding! Hahahahahaha. If we were not in the same group, I will always ask him to help and ngendeng2 to see his coding yang cangih-canggih. Oh, I miss those days.

But look at him now. Metrosexually handsome, traveling here and there. Those two pictures he send me through emails somewhere last year, telling me his wonderful life and all.

Top Left : Zuki di German? ye kot, lupa la, Hong Kong, Japan showing mount Fuji

And last May ketemu dia. During Samsung Challenge 2007, Pyramid Megalane. Masih cun, masih ramah, masih ketawa begitu, and masih bujang!

Iman kagum ngan handphone canggih Zuki

Satu ayat dia : Macam tak percaya kau dah ada anak Dd!

Ye la…knowing me dulu-dulu kan…

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kota Kinabalu 4-7Sept 2007– Different Approaches

I wont be blogging about this trip like Sarawak’s, hence explains the title. Been here before but this trip really gave me a different views of the city and the way I (we) travel.

The Hotel

Cost us only RM15.00 for airport cab to take us to Shangri-La Tg Aru. Love every bits of this hotel. Slalunya kalau sampai tmpt baru, letak je bag terus nak kuar jalan sana-sini tgk tmpt org. but kali ni mmg bersantaian sepanjang hari di hotel! Layan iman mandi manda, sauna, steam bath, the beach, the food and all. 1st day mmg tak kemana. Hotel penuh dgn mat salleh n Korean n Japanese sampai few hotel staff asked me ‘Madam, are you Filipinos? No? Indonesian?’ I was like “Helloooo…!” agaknya daku ala2 kelabu asap tu yg depa confius tu. Di sini juga Chenta terkasima dek melihat depa berb*g*llan dlm sauna. Ya, tanpa seurat benang!. Hahahahha.

Sexy Iman berlarian dipadang! - Shangri-La Tjg Aru

Hari kedua kami lari ke tengah Bandar – Kinabalu Daya Hotel? Errkkk...for RM140++/night dpt bilik sempit gilos, tak de bath tub, depan bilik tgh renovate, old carpet, old towel set, old bed sheet!. Plg teruk kat dinding siap ada conteng “Aku r*g*l Ani di sini. Aku = Rizal”, aci? Jadik terus decide to rent a car and jalan2 and hanya balik utk tidur. Maka akak dengan jayanya meninggalkan komen panjang lebar kat guest book! Hamek!

Hari Ketiga move to recommended hotel by abg chenta – Hyatt Regency. Hotel lama but surprisingly very very nice. Jalan kaki sahaja nak ke shopping mall/pasar basah/pasar Filipina and all. Kalau malas, naik cab will cost you Rm5.00 sajor. Kid’s pool kecik tp ada heater.

pool @ Hyatt

Tips: kalau nak duk tgh2 town plg seshuai duk kat Le Meridien, seberang jalan dah pasar Filipina, kiri kanan shopping complex baru. Meriah betul, tak payah nak amek2 cab, jimat! Tp kena booking awal, sbb very glamer nowadays. Most of the hotel ada free broadband. Daya yg hampeh pon ada!

The Food

from top left : sayap, nasi goreng special Tg Aru, seafood bakar, spiky durian

Seafood Kampung Air. taste - biasa sahaja. price – emm tidak murah. freshness – pilih sendiri yg masih berenang dlm tanki. Must try – deep fried soft shell crab.

Pasar malam belakang/sebelah pasar Filipina - Pelbagai jenis lauk pauk, kuih, seafood bakar
Must try – sayap, ketam/udang/ikan bakar + nasi putih + seaweed, kuih topi, cha koi with kaya. ABC, kuih tradisional Sabah. Price – boleh tawar menawar, as for the seafood mmg murah la. Taste – sedap!. Cleanness – standard pasar malam.

Tg Aru food court – tepi laut, sayap disini sungguh enak! Goreng2 ok, we tried pari bakar, tak best langsung!. Price – biasa sajer.

Durian Sabah – emm biasa saja, saja gatai berhenti tepi jalan layan durian. Durian kampung sini lagi sedap.

Small spiky durian – got it at pekan kundasang for RM3.00 sebiji. Taste like durian only less soft/sweet/smell like our durian.

Frozen seafood – dua tmpt kami pergi. Satu di tgh Bandar depan Hyatt – banyak pilihan, harga pon ok. But mana2 kami tanya semua suruh kami pergi yg kat stesen kretapi, better price katanya. Ropanya kat situ tak byk choice and harga tak de la murah mana pon. Hampa tak dapat beli lobster and scallops as kat ketapi tu out of stock! Gerammm sgt. Layan udang saja la. And satu lagi kedai kat airport. Ni harga airport la.

The Places

Kami melawat pekan2 kecil sekitar KK. Putatan lalu terus ke Monsopiad. Tuaran, Nabalu, Kundasang. Singgah mana2 tamu yg ada. Terasa seperti locals. Juga ke pantai Tg Aru, Harbour View, Karambunai. Masuk and pusing-pusing dalam UniSabah, hingga hujung pantai tmpt pejabat aqua marine. Ronda-ronda taman perumahan baru apa ntah tgk rumah besar harga much2 cheaper from kl padahal dekat giler ngan Bandar kk tu. Singgah juga melihat bangunan Sabah Foundation. Siap parking betul2 tepi bangunan sbb tak de guard kat gate. Chenta siap tumpang wee wee lagi.

From Tip Left : Tuaran town, Monsopiad, Kundasang War Memorial, North Borneo Railway Station, Kundasang, Tmn Kinabalu, Nabalu Market, Tg Aru Jetty, Habour View Beach


Oh daku sungguh behave kali ini. Hanya beli pearl brooch utk kaum keluarga dan t-shirt utk anak2 buah sahaja!. Iman dapat gendang kecil dan abah dpt butang baju melayu. Itu sahaja!. Tidak gelang crystal…tidak kain pua..tidak…. itu semua dah lapuk..hahaha.

C&K and Bubble Gummers

and for being good I got eemmm…kasut? Hahaha…nak buat camna C&K tgh sale….tak tahan akak….since Chenta kata beli la…kang nyesal…akak pon beli la…….and, like mother like son…iman pon dpt kasut jugak! Sbb kasut fav croc-tipu-from-giant dia putus. Tak penah2 daku shopping kasut masa travel…sejarah betul…and it kind of sungguh best rasanya!.


Biasala cheapo cheapo traveler cam kami ni naik la air asia beli, ticket awal thn masa sale, RM0.00. total tax and all, return, cuma RM300++ sahaja.

KK Airport with Abg Nasir - arrival

Sewa keta sehari kena RM120 ke 140 gitu, mahal la….tp sbb order on the spot cam tu la harganya kan…trough hotel lagi….tu la..akak dah suruh plan bebaik..kekonon mmg tak mo ke mana2….tak pe pengajaran tu….
The best part, kami naik bas dari KL central ke LCCT Sepang – RM9.00/head. Iman free, bas ala2 bas express, bersih, selesa, Iman excited giler…first time naik bas kan….bas ni setiap ½ jam satu. Direct + laju. Then masa balik naik bas jugak dari LCCT ke KLIA – Cuma RM1.50/head. Iman free jugak, yg ni lagi best sbb mcm bas rapid (cermin luas), Iman lagi la terkagum gitu… kenapa ke KLIA? Nak hantar anak buah Chenta nak fly to London ptg tu. Bagus la bus services ni…cepat, kerap and murah!. Akak likeeeyyyy!

KK Aiport nak balik

New me

  • I wore flat full shoes! Daku kan allergy banget ngan kasut full! Ntah apa mimpi nak try. Sib baik flat murah itu sungguh lembut. Tapi akak lagi suka flip flop or comfortable sandal.

my flat sandal with Iman

  • Akak membaca! Ya tak tipu…masa layan iman dlm bilik or kat taman or kat swimming pool, akak baca!.
  • I didn’t eat that much. Entah..bukan tak sedap, bukan tak menarek…tapi akak makan ala kadar sajer. Pelik..pelik….and I hate it!
  • Akak dah tak gila brg2 dlm pasar Filipina tu…and wonder kenapa dulu akak mcm suka sgt kat pasar tu.

overall : nice family trip. iman ok. good food. nice places. good adventures. mood pon baik. satisfied!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shopaholic & Sister

I might be terlambat, as millions have posted their review about this book which have been on our bookstores ages ago! But who cares?! I’m a busy Mummy!

I must say, emm..not as I aspected, ceritanya simple, but very entertaining, easy reading, brilliant light hearted read! This is the fourth in the series. You don't have to have read the other 3 which I haven’t, but it would give you a sense of knowledge of the characters. I can easily relate my life to this book, a tiny shopping problem known as retail therapy!.

Becky is charmingly silly, in debt, kuat berangan, but at least she has a wealthy man to pay off her credit cards.*Life just isn't fair sometimes*. Coming back from 10-months-tour-around-the-world-honeymoon instead to surprise her family and friends, things go another way round. Her best friend Suze got a new best friend which she hates, found out that she actually got a step sister Jess! Can Jess replace Suze?. I wouldn’t tell the details, will let you find out what this Becky got to offer you. And oh, she is also in a mess, damages from honeymoon’s shopping!!
  • I didn’t buy this book though, I borrowed it from the library. My office library, and why didn’t anyone ever tell me they have this kind of books before? Sebenarnya terpanggil untuk ke sana sebab Chenta already bought his materials for our Lepak Di KK. Dek jealous and tak sempat dah nak ke kedai buku, daku saja lah ke library kot2 ada yg menarik. (menghilangkan ngantuk tahap gaban sebenarnya waktu itu). Sempat menjeling counter ada sorang awek tgh pinjam buku…OMG…is it Shopaholic?. Terus daku ke penjuru kategori UMUM- ya fuan-fuan, buku2 selain buku T*X atau buku-buku ilmiah adalah buku umum. And it was my lucky day! So Zie, nampaknya shopping buku kita akan lebih kepada buku Iman or Abah or yg tak de di library sini…ahaks!. See, daku terus jadi mcm Jess! And I managed to finish it even before we go to KK!, I told you it was easy reading!. Daku yang membaca ala-ala baca dialog dgn intonasi yang betul sambil membayangkan tempat kejadian pon boleh habis cepat!. Eh, library tutup pukul berapa?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition 2007

2 Sept, The Grand Finale
been there early, got a nice spot across the lake overlooked by the grand seri gemilang bridge. and i was aspecting something really grand but emm mcm biasa jek.... alright, ada la few yg huge and beautiful, maybe our nice spot was actually not a great angle from where they were shooting. and they said it will be choreographed to music, i didn't hear it like it was choreograph.. more like play a song and shoot.

overall, emm.. penat mengejar iman lari sana sini, lapar, tahan perut nak wee wee..penat diri lama + jeles banget tgk family lain dtg hampar tikar and buka mangkuk sia makan-makan!. but to see iman's expression upon seeing the first fireworks...hilang penat akak!
penat suruh dia toleh abah nak ambik gambor!
planning to buy tickets if ever we gonna have this competition next year. and oh, we didn't stuck in a massive traffic jam after that...gerak awal.....

Monday, September 3, 2007

Empress Orchid

I am most attracted to the way Anchee Min describes the details of Forbidden City. She delivers a fictional peek into the palace - the rituals and the grand celebrations and the powerful eunuchs and the manipulative concubines and the conspiracy and everything!. Terasa nak ke China gitu, ke muziumnya perhaps? nak tengok segala baju2, eksesori2, lukisan2 diraja..boleh?

And I especially love this poem,

To give it up is to accept your fate
To give it up is to create peace
To give it up is to gain upper hand, and
To give it up is to have it all

To rescue her family from poverty and avoid marrying her slope-shouldered cousin, 17teen yr old Orchid competes to be one of the Emperor’s wives. When she is chosen as a lower ranking concubine, she enters the erotically charged and ritualized Forbidden City. But beneath its immaculate façade lie whispers of murders and ghosts and the thousands of concubine will stoop to any lengths to bear the Emperor’s son. Orchid train herself in the art of pleasuring a man, bribes her way to the royal bed, and seduces the monarch, drawing attention of dangerous foes. Little does she know that China will collapse around her, and that she will be its last Empress. ** from the book**
and yet to buy the sambungan...out of stock i heard, zie?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Guilty to the max!

Mlm tadi iman jatuh katil! For the first time!. I was so very terrified that I cried even louder and longer than my baby!

The day before
I was having a good time at the City Of Entertainment! Yup, without my Baby and Chenta. Ada 1 day course by the vendor. Thought of not going at the first place because of the hectic urusan sana sini. Surprisingly Chenta said OK and he even planned on how to take care of Iman. (mungkin dia juga rasa bersalah kerana daku telah menolak 2-3 kursus luar KL before and since I’ll be away for only 1 night so he gave it a GO). Check-in at 6, dinner at Coffee Terrace, then followed by Fly Defy Gravity show at the pavilion. Then emmm..karaoke…***very vey very guilty***. Well..just like the way it used to be ages ago. I was happy but deep inside amat rindu Iman. Chenta said dia tak mau tidur… sampai kena bawak naik kereta pusing2 jln ipoh ke jalan duta ke jln kuching ke bulatan selayang. Kesian Chenta and kesian Baby…mesti nak nenen tu..!!!

Aprox 5 hours before
Ambil Iman rumah makcik. Upon seeing me, dia lari sgt laju dan terus memeluk!!! I hardly hold back my tears!. Rindu Mummy ya…….. Dlm kereta dia nenen sepuasnya sambil tangan mengusap2 muka daku….huwaaaaaaaaa…sedeyyy….

Aprox 3 hours before
Di rumah Pak Ngah, Jln Ipoh. Main dengan gumbiranya tp every single minutes mesti cari Mummy….sekejap2 dtg kat mummy and planted a kiss on my cheek..

Aprox 1 hours or less before – masa kejadian
Di rumah Kajang. Iman dah tidur (atas katil, I did kepong him with pillows). Abah juga sudah tertidur depan laptop. I was busy doing laundry and packing everything downstairs. Last sekali masa tunggu laundry untuk dijemur, layan LOTR kat TV2. tub2 dengar benda jatuh. Tersentap jantung daku…. True enough Iman menjerit. Daku lari naik atas, terasa kaki tak jejak mata tangga!. Chenta tengah angkat him… daku terus grab dia dan usap2 kepala dia…. Matanya masih pejam tapi nangis! Nenenkan dia terus diam….. masa dia nenen tu I pulak nangis……… sedih sangat!!! I pray hard he is OK and if anything happens to him I will be blaming myself!
Alhamdulillah, few minutes after that dia terlena semula. Daku check sana sini tak nampak lebam/benjol. Pagi tadi check lagi pon tak nampak apa2. and he was behaving normally.

how could you feel tired of this baby?

Do some of you ever feel so tired of all the mummy’s duties that sometimes, just sometimes you wish to take off for a full day and just be yourself? I did! It's not that I love him any less but sometimes I think I need a wee break from everything to keep myself sane. I do feel very guilty for having this kind of feeling and always think that I’m a bad mummy! Ya, semasa mengusap rambut Iman, rasa-rasa ini bertambah menekan. I’m BAD, BAD!! help me!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Main Masak-masak – Orea Cheese Cake Mama Sarah

  • 50 oreo chocolate sandwich cookies
  • 1/2 stick butter, melted
  • 4 pkg (8oz. each) philadelphia cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 eggs


  1. Chop 30 of the cookies until finely hancur.
  2. Add butter; mix well.
  3. Press onto bottom of 13x9 inch baking pan. Refigerate.
  4. Mix cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended.
  5. Add eggs; mix just until blended.
  6. Chop remaining 20 cookies. Gently stir 1-1/2 cups of the chopped cookies into cream cheese batter. Pour over crust; sprinkle with remaining chopped cookies.
  7. Bake at 180 C for 40 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight.

ada sedikit hangus...hehehe


  • I made using only half of the recipe.
  • I toss away the cookie’s sandwich as to lessen the sweetness of the cake.
  • I burnt the sprinkled cookies on top of the cake on the first try. Must blame the oven setting, so I didn’t sprinkle any on the second try.
  • I added 1-2 tsp of lemon juice.

Thank you Mama Sarah for this super easy and yummy cheese cake!

I prefer recipe which the measurement is measured by cup. Easy, and less baking wares are used. I don’t have proper weighing scale at the moment, just a cheap plastic scale from Tesco which Iman love to play with. Dia nak duduk atas scale tu boleh? When can I get the digital one?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Good Morning Pumpkin

he usually wakes up with a smile! one big smile that melts your heart!
and i so love his hair, i think the messiness just makes him look even cuter and macho. no?
and my baby knows what to do next....yes...abah, time to switch off the computer!!!